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Local Account Creation Via Batch Script: How to Secure and Monitor Your User Accounts


I want to change the local admin password to something more secure across the environment. The problem that is that the current state of the environment varies. For the most part, the standard administrator account is enabled across the board with a weak password that I would like to update. The problem is that in some cases and left the default admin account disabled and created a new account called "admin".

Then, to make matters more complicated, there is another local account that should be a standard user called "user" but I know in some places it has been made an admin as well when it should not be, and in other places it has not been created at all.

Local Account Creation Via Batch Script

In this tutorial, we are going to create a new user account in Windows 10. The batch file contains a series of DOS (Disk Operating System) instructions. It allows triggering the execution of commands found in this file.

There are ways to create local users remotely without using psexec by using ADSI or Powershell. The only reason I added my comment is since the way you named your script brings people here who are searching for "create local user remotely" on google.I consider psexec a direct opposite of best practice. I understand that your environment might warrant it, and hell, if a novice IT admin needs a quick fix, your script might save him a lot of trouble.But it might be worthwhile to note psexec in the script's description and / or name instead of a comment to help make google searches more accurate. (I avoid scripts that rely on psexec)

Is there a way to user variables when creating the user with NET USER?For example, i want to create a local account using the system Serial # which i have set the variable as %SN%."net user %SN% password /add"....that creates a user with the name of %SN%I would like to have that user created as the system serial number.

Are you talking about batch file ? Are you trying to run a windows startup / logon script ? Please provide more detail as to what you are trying to achieve as the end goal and we will help you further.

You can use the following information to set this up in your Active Directory environment. You can avoid providing the password in the batch file as it is not best security practice . I am assuming that you have a requirement to setup mass shutdown policy for all machines in your domain . The command that you have can do the trick without a problem. the below is the output if i run it locally.

If you do not provide the user account details then the locally logged on user account will be used within whose session the script gets invoked . It also depends upon if you have set it up as a logon script or a startup script . In your case it would be better to define this script as a startup script which is defined in computer configuration section within the group policy console. In this case the script will add a scheduled task under local machine context on the domain controller. Please follow the following steps for the same.

Whenever the GPO refresh on the client machines/domain controllers or any of the machines happens after setup of this group policy where it is setup to be applied, a copy of the batch script will be copied over from the NETLOGON folder to the local folder %systemroot%\System32\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts\Startup . If after application of policy and GPO convergence time (time within which complete replication takes place within your environment . It depends on network topology and many factors) within your environment , you get the bacth file here then all is good and in all probability you would not have any issues. But in this kind of setup the biggest issue is that AD/Sysvol replication is broken in most environments due to which the contents of the Sysvol (meaning netlogon scripts) are not replicated to all DCs. If you see the same please follow AD replication troubleshooter article .

For EC2Config or EC2Launch to run scripts, you must enclose the script within aspecial tag when you add it to user data. The tag that you use depends on whether thecommands run in a Command Prompt window (batch commands) or use WindowsPowerShell.

If you specify both a batch script and a Windows PowerShell script, the batch scriptruns first and the Windows PowerShell script runs next, regardless of the order in whichthey appear in the instance user data.

Typically, to create a batch file, notepad is used. This is the simplest tool for creation of batch files. Next is the execution environment for the batch scripts. On Windows systems, this is done via the command prompt or cmd.exe. All batch files are run in this environment.

By default, a batch file will display its command as it runs. The purpose of this first command is to turn off this display. The command "echo off" turns off the display for the whole script, except for the "echo off" command itself. The "at" sign "@" in front makes the command apply to itself as well.

Batch scripts support the concept of command line arguments wherein arguments can be passed to the batch file when invoked. The arguments can be called from the batch files through the variables %1, %2, %3, and so on.

DOS scripting also has a definition for locally and globally scoped variables. By default, variables are global to your entire command prompt session. Call the SETLOCAL command to make variables local to the scope of your script. After calling SETLOCAL, any variable assignments revert upon calling ENDLOCAL, calling EXIT, or when execution reaches the end of file (EOF) in your script. The following example shows the difference when local and global variables are set in the script.

By default when a command line execution is completed it should either return zero when execution succeeds or non-zero when execution fails. When a batch script returns a non-zero value after the execution fails, the non-zero value will indicate what is the error number. We will then use the error number to determine what the error is about and resolve it accordingly.

Windows driver developers and testers can use DevCon to verify that a driver is installed and configured correctly, including the proper INF files, driver stack, driver files, and driver package. You can also use the DevCon commands (enable, disable, install, start, stop, and continue) in scripts to test the driver. DevCon is a command-line tool that performs device management functions on local computers and remote computers.

AWS Control Tower offers a straightforward way to set up and govern an Amazon Web Services (AWS) multi-account environment, following prescriptive best practices. AWS Control Tower orchestrates the capabilities of several other AWS services, including AWS Organizations, AWS Service Catalog, and AWS IAM Identity Center, to build a landing zone very quickly. AWS IAM Identity Center is a cloud-based service that simplifies how you manage IAM Identity Center access to AWS accounts and business applications using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0. You can use AWS Control Tower to create and provision new AWS accounts and use AWS IAM Identity Center to assign user access to those newly-created accounts.

Go to AWS IAM Identity Center > Groups and select the user group whose permission set you would like to assign to the new AWS account. Copy the Group ID from the selected user group. This can be a local AWS IAM Identity Center user group, or a third-party identity provider-synced user group.

After you deploy the solution stack, you need to create a CSV file based on this sample.csv and upload it to the Amazon S3 bucket created in this solution. This CSV file will be used to automate the new account creation process.

This solution connects multiple components to facilitate the new AWS account creation and AWS IAM Identity Center permission set assignment. The correctness of the parameters in the AWS CloudFormation stack is important to make sure that when AWS Control Tower creates a new AWS account, it is accessible.

As you automate the batch AWS account creation and user access assignment, you can reduce the time you spend on the undifferentiated heavy lifting work, and onboard your users in your organization much more quickly, so they can start using and experimenting on AWS right away.

3. Provide users with 2 accounts. They have a primary account that they log on to their computers with for every day use. This account is not in the admins group. Then they have a secondary local admin account on their own computer. If they want to install software then they would use run-as to install the software using the local admin credentials.

4. This would mean separate batch files for each user with their username in the batch file. It would probably be quicker to add/remove the accounts the way I did yesterday (took about 15 minutes). Unless you can think of a better way.

DHS observed the threat actors using this and similar scripts to create multiple accounts within staging target networks. Each account created by the threat actors served a specific purpose in their operation. These purposes ranged from the creation of additional accounts to cleanup of activity. DHS and FBI observed the following actions taken after the creation of these local accounts:

Account 1: Account 1 was named to mimic backup services of the staging target. This account was created by the malicious script described earlier. The threat actor used this account to conduct open-source reconnaissance and remotely access intended targets.

Account 4: In the latter stage of the compromise, the threat actor used Account 1 to create Account 4, a local administrator account. Account 4 was then used to delete logs and cover tracks.

When running commands specified using /script or /command, batch mode is used implicitly and overwrite confirmations are turned off. In an interactive scripting mode, the user is prompted in the same way as in GUI mode. To force batch mode (all prompts are automatically answered negatively) use the command option batch abort. For batch mode it is recommended to turn off confirmations using option confirm off to allow overwrites (otherwise the overwrite confirmation prompt would be answered negatively, making overwrites impossible). 2ff7e9595c

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